A lot of people are struggling with ants in their homes and have never found a permanent solution to get rid of them. On this page we will give you a few tips that can help keep ants out of your home. For some of you many of these tips should forever get rid of these little creatures.

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The most effective method of doing away with ants is to locate their hideaway and take out the queen. Even if this may appear simple enough it is a lot more tricky than it sounds. To start with, doing it is not easy to locate the nest. The nest may be inside your basement in a spot that is packed with tons of boxes or other things. Even if you locate the nest, it will be a challenge to kill the queen as she protects herself from outside chemical materials by hiding at the bottom of the nest.

Still don't throw in the towel. Before you can do anything else, always keep your counters and floors free from any food or crumbs. The leading reasons ants come into your home is because they come across food, if there is no food they won't be coming back. So it is important to thoroughly clean floors and countertops on a daily basis.

The next step for you to do is to kill any scouts you come across in your home. Ants will often dispatch scouts to look for food sources. As soon as the scouts find a bit of food and inform the remainder of the colony, they all come to get the food. So if you're able to kill all the scout ants that you find, you will be able to halt the rest of the colony from visiting your location. And in case you can find the path the scout followed, you can use a general cleaner to remove the scout's scent so other ants will not be able to follow it.

By using caulk to seal cracks and holes in your home, you can significantly reduce the number of ants that make it inside. Remember that ants will be able to enter very small cracks in your home. Because of this you must make sure your property is sealed up good and tight.

It's also possible to apply diatomaceous earth to eliminate ants. Ants die once they come in contact with it. Ants die-off due to the fact this product withdraws any moisture throughout their bodies. It is deemed an excellent product to use in foundation sections and basements of homes. In fact, applying this method may prevent you from ever developing an ant problem.